BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke
LandschaftsArchitekten GmbH

Knooper Weg 99-105
24116 Kiel
0431 99 79 60
Ostorfer Ufer 4
19053 Schwerin
0385 73 42 64

Seit mehr als
63 Jahren

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1. Preis, Damascus, East Park Damascus, 2004


A German-Syrian team won the first prize in an international landscape planning, urban design and architectural ideas competition in the capital of Syria. The sponsors were the Syrian Arab Republic, Province of Damascus, represented by the Office of Spatial Planning and Urban Design. The working group consisting of Atelier für Architektur und Forschung (aaf) of Hamburg and Bassam Sabour/Al-Abdulla, the Maksoud Architectural Group (MAG) of Damascus, the landscape architects Bendfeldt Schröder Franke (BSF) of Kiel and Schwerin, and the architecture firm of Konermann Sigmund (KSA) of Hamburg convidenced the jury with their idea that combines the typically local design means with modern ones. The competition brief called for designing the East Park urban district of Damascus, with an area of 208 hectares, to feature many open spaces and buildings. The site includes a people ́s park with restaurants and cafés, sports facilities, a water tower, bridges and tunnels to link the park to the adjacent neighbourhoods, several open-air theatres, exihibition spaces, and a zoo. The winning team proposed a city of both history and future. The second and third prizes were awarded to two Syrian practices.

Ort Damascus
Jahr 2004
Auszeichnung 1st Prize
Mit Bassam Sabour/Al-Abdulla, the Maksoud Architectural Group (MAG), Konermann Sigmund
Auslober Syrian Arab Republic, Province of Damascus
Typ intl. landscape planning, urban design and architectural ideas
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